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Thermal management materials from Henkels BERGQUIST? brand provide a wide range of solutions for improving the dependability of heat dissipation in modern electronic equipment. Gap filling thermal interface materials (TIMs) from BERGQUIST GAP PAD? are soft, compliant, pre-cut pads that decrease assembly stress while offering good thermal conductivity. Automatically applied liquid BERGQUIST Gap Filler TIMs are ideal for applications demanding complex dimensionsand/or high throughput. The expansive thermal solutions portfolio also includes SIL PAD? thermally conductive insulators, BOND PLY? thermal adhesives, HI FLOW? phase change materials and TCLAD? Insulated Metal Substrates (IMS?).SIL PAD? Thermoconducting Insulators, BOND PLY? Thermal Adhesives, HI FLOW? Materials for Change of Phases and TCLAD? Insulated Metal Substrates (IMS?) are also part of the expandsive range of thermal solutions.

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