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EnOcean GmbH is headquartered in Oberhaching near Munich. In 2001, Siemens AG was spun off and EnOcean GmbH was established. Today, EnOcean GmbH has more than 50 employees in Germany and the United States. EnOcean GmbH is the pioneer contriver of patented self-powered wireless technology. We focus on the production and sales of maintenance-free wireless sensor solutions for buildings and industrial facilities. Miniaturized energy converters, ultra-low power consumption electronic circuits and reliable wireless networks lay the foundation for EnOceans solutions. EnOcean and its product partners can combine these elements to provide sensor systems that are important for energy-efficient buildings and innovative industries. So far, more than 100 manufacturers around the world have chosen EnOceans wireless modules and realized their architectural and industrial system concepts. Wireless components are used in more than 200,000 buildings worldwide.

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